
About Me

[Note: This Carrd is slowly being updated.]

FAQ (?)

”Can I use your art?”

As long as you aren’t using it for profit, harmful purposes, or take credit, then it’s fine. No need to ask. Just credit me under these names.Elizabeth-Senpai | LizzySenpai666

”What programs do you use for art?”

I use Medibang Paint on my PC with a Wacom Intuos M BT (2018). The same goes for my older drawings but with a Samsung Tablet. I did use SAI, but the tools like the bucket were confusing so I just went for MediBang instead. I highly recommend it for starters who are new to digital art. But honestly, that’s me being biased. Though I hope to use Clip Studio Paint someday.

”How did you learn to draw? Can you teach me?”

I’ve taken up drawing because of Persona 4. Nat didn’t exactly teach me, rather encourage me to draw. So I kept trying. I kept doubting myself and feeling like I’ll never be able to make it. That was in 2014. In 2015 on August the 5th (?), that’s where I finally got confident in my art and went off from there.Now, I’m not exactly a good teacher. But I’d say you can improve by taking from real life and input it into your style. Don’t be afraid to take inspiration from others. Study from their speedpaints and learn how they drawn. Look at tips and tutorials from others too. Just know that you won’t be a professional in a day. Things like this take time. Just have fun working with it and watch yourself grow. Don’t be like me and throw out old drawings. Keep them, so when in doubt, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come.


[I know a lot more, but these are the ones I hold most interest for and see myself coming back to every now and then]Among Us/Among Us Logic | Ben 10 (Original Series) | Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared | Friday Night Funkin | Funamusea Franchise | Kingdom Hearts | Kirby Franchise | Mario Franchise | My Beautiful Paper Smile | Mystery Skulls | Pokemon | SCP | South Park | Spooky Month | The Mark Side

Current Fixation

Friday Night Funkin

Current Favorite Character's

Older Brother (FNF Mod)

BYF (Before You Follow)

[For content warnings and notes you may want to read before you follow this account.]

☆ Occasionally I draw ships/troupes that may be considered distasteful or disturbing to a sensitive/young audience.Basically the Dead Dove: Don't Eat kind of stuff. Know that any of the things I draw, I will never condone in real life. Please don’t start any drama over fiction. If you have a serious issue, block me. Not that hard.

☆ Besides that, I only draw ‘suggestive’ stuff every now and then, so better watch your step children.

DNI (Do Not Interact)

☆ It should be obvious that I don’t want any racist homophobic zoophilic pedophilies around here. I don’t think I’d be needing this otherwise.